"I'm Too Old To Start A Website / Internet Marketing; ' BESIDES ,' I'm Retired!"
If this is your excuse, please view the following ...
"I Can't Start a Website / Internet Marketing Business Right Now, We Just Had an Earthquake [or Hurricane, Flood, Sickness, Unemployment, Economic Shut-Down and SnowStorm"
Any will work, just realize that it is...
just an excuse!
And Remember,
Successful People Start The Passion for Their Business/Product InSpite of Problems,Conditions, or Finances!
click on link below OR Copy and Paste into Your Chosen Browser ...
If you [or someone you know] will be retiring soon, why not consider SBI! as a way to help supplement your post retirement income?
Consider the Following:
PLEASE REMEMBER, I am NOT an Attorney; NOR have I used the above product' although I wish [now] that this product had been available for my divorce trial and the protest against my Mother's Will that my 'kleine Schwesterchen' and her husband made after Mother's Death in 2011; so, if you choose to purchase, you do so at your own risk; However, if you want to defend yourself, click on the above video, and see if working Without an Attorney [on Your Case] is something You want to consider.
I don't expect you to view each video, but if one or two "twitch your ears" then click on the view arrow & see if you think it's something you want to do; or wa nt to learn more about? It's OK to view a couple videos, No One will contact you unless you contact us first, and request a call back!
Still Need More Proof???
Surprisingly Economical & Dependable-With all the nonsense in our cultures today, this has become the safest & most dependaable method of shopping & resupplying my groceries; of course you need a CPU, and MOST stores have business relationships with Delivery Companies; I prefer to use "Door Dash" & "Insta Cart!~" Click On or paste following link into your favorite browser:
Dec 07, 22 01:55 PM
Jul 18, 21 11:11 PM
Jul 12, 21 06:27 AM
Here is where it originates and how it is harvested - ' The Old Fashioned Way-Hard Work ! 'Tongan Seaweed is used. The Limu Company was my introduction to Losing Weight through the 'Vitamins and Minerals Method AND Developing a New Attitude About Food: How Often to Eat, What to Eat, How Much to Eat, and How Many Times Daily Do I (We) Really Need to eat?
My ex-Brother-n-Law is Still my friend - my little sister divorced him- I did not ; I was reluctant to add to myLIMU Regimen, but once started, I began to see and feel the YGY benefits IMMEDIATELY ; At first, I added THE YGYi Replacement Mineral to my Seaweed Cocktail and I Immediately realized that Youngevity Tangerine 2.0 Minerals [in my opinion] puts the Seaweed Meal Replacement Shake on steroids and kicks the drink to ' Overdrive .' I drink one shaker every morning and evening. Remember, it's the 'Fucoidan' that does the work, the seaweed is just thet ransport vehicle.
Once I learned that YGYi had a 'Fucoidan' Type Product, the decision to switch brands was almost automatic!
Please Remember ,
So its a very simple decision:
And, It's Your Decision-
I Made Mine in 2012 and don't regret one day of bus riding-even when its cold, windy and rainy, or blistering summer heat!
Change of Regimen / Protocol / May 2016 ...
Subliminal Power Programin g Helps You to Change Your Attitude About Food and Helps You two Realize You Do Not Need to Eat as much and as often as you think!
This is one of my ' Secret Weapons ' [I have two] and by placing sporadic messages throughout my active web page. I receive subliminal messages that control the exposure time duration and frequency.
The messages I am programming myself with are regarding Website Creativity, Weight-Loss, and Overall Health. You can do the same; Trust Me:
Here's WHY you need to SERIOUSLY consider a web-based business ...
So now, All Teachers need to start thinking about how to start a home-based business ; Do Yourself [and Your Family] a Big Favor and Review the Below Video - Several Times - Then Ask Yourself: "What Can You Get Passionate About That You Want to Tell the World About?"
Turn Ur Hobby N2 $$$ -Like Omas' German Cookies Recipes for Christian Ministry
For More Information on Pricing and Ordering ...
I chose the Royal Berkey for my 2/2 Apartment, with elevated platform and 2 extra filters can be ordered via Amazon; After ordering you will never drink out of a water faucet again!
...Just find a container that you can manage and fill to the top of the internal filters {see image below } Best to start with 4 filters; I started with two and experienced very slow transfer; with four filters the time is very adequate; Worth the extra $100 to stop buying Water at the Grocery Stores and the filters give a "Peace of Mind" that you probably [currently] don't have. I use my Royal Unit in a 2/2 Apartment Unit in North Houston.
SO IF YOU WANT Safe & CLEAN WATER, Get a Berkey; I've had mine for almost a twp years & would buy again... BY THE WAY, in case you're wondering, the filters are projected to last about 7 <=>12 years! DO THE MATH-that's about $10/year for clean water & NO MORE PLASTIC BOTTLES!!!
"So What's Ur Plan?"
So, My Dear Reader...
As the Video [below] is Titled...
Your SBI! Website Toolbox has all the tools you'll need; Compare Us to "The Other Guys" & see where your $$$'s are Best Spent; I did, and started building the site you are visiting!
Can You Drag/Drop And/or Did You Play With Legos. Log Cabin or Errector Set Builders?